368 Eagle Nest Lane SW, Rochester, MN

Winter News 2017

Thank you to all who contributed to the 2017 Walk to End Alzheimer’s! Team Leonard received an award at Target Field on September 9 for being the #1 fundraising team in the Twin Cities walk.


Team Leonard raised a total of $61,080 in this year’s walk to join the Alzheimer’s Association in the fight to end this horrific disease. All contributions were matched dollar-for-dollar, which means the Astrup Family Foundation matched $30,540 for the 2017 Walk to End Alzheimer’s in addition to the $16,032 that was matched in June from our stores’ pin-up sales. Thank you to all who were so kind to make a contribution, no matter how big or small. Twenty-eight of us participated in the walk by fundraising and/or walking in the event. As you can see in the photo to the right, we proudly wore our donated Team Leonard t-shirts for the event. Founder Leonard Astrup would be proud.


Since the inception of the Astrup Family Foundation at the end of 2014—following Leonard’s death earlier that year—the Foundation has donated 
over $230,000 to help impact individuals, other non-profits, and communities. The Foundation focuses its giving on the following:


  • Preserving family values
  • Christian faith
  • The value of education
  • Select healthcare initiatives
  • Building strong communities, especially those in which we do business
  • Making a difference for those less fortunate


The Foundation’s giving thus far has largely focused on healthcare—Alzheimer’s/dementia-related causes, epilepsy, and breast cancer, to name 
a few. In addition, we are focusing on the value of education by giving stipends and scholarships to students at the University of Minnesota Pharmacy School and Gustavus Adolphus College. We have also made many contributions to causes in communities where we have done business over the years, including large contributions to build the Interpretive Center at the Jay C. Hormel Nature Center in Austin and a brand-new cabin (called Sterling Drug) at Good Earth Village in southeastern Minnesota.


The Astrup Family Foundation is always looking for opportunities to give money to honorable organizations that meet our mission and goals. We will continue to give generously and are excited about the potential of the Foundation to make a difference in many lives through donations to organizations both large and small. By doing so, the Astrup family is carrying on the legacy started by founder Leonard Astrup and his wife Corrine, who is active on the board of directors for the Astrup Family Foundation.


Current board members for the 
Astrup Family Foundation include 
Ann Astrup, Bob Astrup, Chris Astrup, Corrine Astrup, Dan Astrup, Andrea Astrup Becker, Susan Astrup Lundquist, and Anna Lundquist.